Once upon a time, there was no time.
The feeling, the space, the energy was one. A little girl walked out upon a field and raised her hands up to the sky, “I am all of this” she said knowing the truth of it, and with that she became a master!
For we all are masters of our own reality yet to be claimed.
It is simple from the perspective of a child yet complex from space of ADULT.
Even in your adult state lies the seed of the child. You feel it, remember it.
The vulnerable place of trust and belief in your guidance.
1. A simple exercise is to grab a crayon (pencil, pen or marker of any color) and scribble. Allow and feel the perfection of innocence.
2. Spin yourself in circles - round and round. A silly, stupid thing that brings JOY! Float in your mastery upon the clouds of divine inspiration. Allow yourself to be anything.
3. Clap your hands to the beat of your heart, clap, skip and jump to the rhythm. Feel the JOY! Move your body.
To play is to be alive. Reinvent the child within. Know the master. Remember your name!
Forever we feel the call to source poking, needling – “something’s here, something’s here”
Stop and listen for a story is being told. A story of a time when dreams were free and enchantment ran amuck! ‘Pick me’ the story line called. We were young and the road ran in myriad directions.
Why did we think we had to choose for changing never changes and can always be done.
Don’t hold on to stiff ridged standards. Allow yourself to be – allow yourself to change, to grow and become.
The world awaits, for you are the painter of this masterpiece which is your life!
Awaken you little tiny seed
felt both in mind and heart.
For you are not just a seedling
but a great gigantic start.
An epic voyage – a journey
to thoughts seemingly far away.
To lands that lie inside my mind
And become my me today!
A rich and noble man once said
‘I am greatness because of my deeds’
A poor and humble man once said
‘I am joyful because of my deeds’
And so they were.
Who is the judge but yourself and who cares for the noble or humble, but he who is in that space and judges it against another.
You are the judge. It is you that must find completion in yourself. Beyond compare for the thoughts of both the ‘rich and noble’ and the ‘poor and humble’ have no bearing on the worth of you.
It is as you believe.
So why not believe in your greatness, believe in your joy!
For you are all that! And great, joyful deeds will follow!
Around the corner lies a mystery
In a box, taped up under a table.
You look and ponder ….. ‘is it worth it?’
How can you know for it is a mystery.
Desire drives the mind to seek
Mystery drives the mind to wonder
But what is it that drives the mind to action?
Knowing that something will be found!