Friday, March 23, 2012

Mar. 22 - Surrender - Gentle Tap - Enchantment - Alabaster

Surrender first to yourself, to your own truth. Do not allow others to reign supreme upon your thoughts, for in your thoughts lives the truth of all that is. You have the knowing, your knowing is your own. Others will find solace and comfort for themselves in their own thoughts but do not surrender to their truth for we are individuals, journeying upon this earth finding our own way. Others may inspire, others may introduce you to new concepts that you have never yet explored. However once your exploration has begun you will find your own wisdom and your own knowing. A spark can be ignited, a glimmer can be granted.

Yours is not to follow, yours is to find.

Finding your way is the ultimate prize upon this earth. Within this time in which you journey, this time of time/space, the journey is rewarded by feeling that truth, that peace which can be created only within yourself. When that connection with your truth is established within the God in you, you become more than just this earthly presence, just this body for you are more than a physical representation. In finding truth you have stepped into you power. You are God incarnate and you have access to all the wisdom of the universe.
So, allow others to be heard, to be felt, to give guidance knowing that ultimately you are your own source of well-being, of knowledge and wisdom.

Celebrate each truth that you find
Celebrate yourself
For this is the joy of who you are!


Gentle Tap
Trust in things that you can’t see.
Trust in what you want to be.

Hold your spirit then set it free.
Hold the thought of your true ‘me’

Expanding your mind, exploring your options,
discovering, creating making concoctions.

Although sometimes it might feel scary
and you might be a little wary.

Know that in your heart of hearts.
God is watching and you got smarts!

Together with this guidance clear,
listen closely and have no fear.

The gentle tapping and intuitive touch
is God's pure energy which you can trust.


'What will I do, what will become of me?'

There is no need now for you to know,
you will continue, you will grow.

Have faith that all will be made known,
your enchantment has watered all the seeds you have sown .

Open your heart, spread each wing,
allow the guidance to come streaming in.

Synchronicities and guidance will pop in your head,
you will think to yourself, ‘Is that what I said?’ 

Inspiration divine and your tuning fork’s on,
get on with your life and live it long.

You clever creator, incarnated being,
can you believe all the things you are seeing?

Your life is unfolding, you grow as you go.
Don’t ever give up there is heaps more to know.

Riding this journey upon Mother Earth.
You will have everything you need, everything of worth.



Alabaster has a feel, so slick and smooth can it be real?
Alabaster has a sound, when tapped on gently, carved into a round.
Alabaster, sacred stone, has energy that’s yet to be known. 
Find that stone and hold it tight, it will touch your dreams during the night.


Do you see what you must do?
The way for you to make it through.

Sit still in thought, define your desires.
God will step in and that will inspire.

Your trust is strong, your intent is pure.
Don’t allow yourself to be demure.

Enjoy the ride, this adventure supreme.
Your answers will come to you, as if a dream. 


Mar. 21 - Lost

'I have let myself be set aside to give attention to another and now I feel somewhat lost.'

Be still my sweet one for you are on your path. A step to the side will not spoil the soup but can actually create better flavors, for you have seen more of who you are. In the reflection of your behavior towards others the truth of your being comes through. Let yourself stand proud now in the reminder of who you have become. The ease of being true to yourself will no longer let you deny yourself. Let your heart be light once again, you are still who you are no matter what you think.

A compromise of your truth need not be a negative. Protection comes in many forms, you have chosen to keep some of you to yourself. Feel proud of yourself for you, although feeling unfamiliar, are still in alignment and your process is still succeeding. There is no race for there is no end. Continue to allow all that you are feeling and you will find that spark and return to your destiny, which is inevitable. 

Celebrate that you are loved even when doubting your truth.
Rejoice in the comfort that you are divine.
Revisit the excitement of who you are!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mar. 16 - A Commitment - Now

A commitment to yourself.

I surrender my life to Spirit, giving myself the love of all the universe.
Never will I be denied.
Never will I be led astray.
I am cared for and assisted.
I am enchanted to the core.

You don’t have to know anymore, you just have to let go!


Life flows along with a mighty force,
we feel unable to predict its direct course.

We could be drifting without a clue,
yet in our hearts we know what to do.

Moving along sometimes slowly without directions,
as time ticks by in this world of time/space perceptions.

The secret lies in this heart felt moment.
Life’s what you make it and it’s time you own it!

Your joy will be found by living in the trusted NOW.
Filled with appreciation and compassion you’ll discover how.

This NOW stands open with love and oneness,
so take the reins and accept the harness. 


Friday, March 16, 2012

Mar. 15 - Alive - Seed & Nutshell

Summoned to existence by desire, you walk upon this earth feeling your way. Praise the selfish, joyful feeler who listens to the subtle signals of source.

A twinge
A tingle

Such a little clue that leads you down your path. But, looking back one sees a journey that’s aligned and right on track. If we know the end would the beginning be justified? Once we know the truth can we find peace in the now?
We are all that is and now is the moment. Celebrate fully your time on earth. Rejoice in your physical existence for life as spirit goes on forever, while the material lives in time. A tactile life of planetary grandeur - our human forms are from the earth. Explore yourself as God incarnate and focus your soul upon this earth.

This is the experience you have asked for.
This is where you want to be.

Allow yourself to be alive!


Sitting in a little nutshell,
the seed just wants to burst out free.
Who would have thought this little nutshell,
would grow someday to be a tree?

The nut it knew for it held the seed,
the seed it knew for it was the dream.
While growing into what it could be,
becoming much more than it would seem.

From teeny, tiny to great big huge,
that little seed grew towards the sky
There is no limit for the dreamer,
just spread your wings and begin to fly.

As seed turns to tree your process is magic,
you have signed up for such growth.
From loss of memory to living force,
allow yourself to fulfill your oath.

The nutshell from which all of us came,
believes in all our potential.
For source is our nutshell, source lives inside us
and oneness is essential.

Not unlike the seed within the nutshell,
who’s bursting to be free.
We have journeyed from source to make our own choices
and discover how to be.

So what if sometimes you feel stunted,
so what if things move too slow.
We have come to play and feel this growing,
relax and allow the flow.

We’ll return to source when we are done
and celebrate the growing.
Then once again we’ll become the seed,
the call heard from our place of knowing. 


Mar. 12 - Center is You - Aurora

In the center is you.

How can it be ‘I live my life for no one else but me’?
Feel the decadent beauty in such a plan.

How good do you feel when you give of yourself to help out another?
How happy are you when you see your smile reflected in another’s face?
How strong is your power when you stand steady while holding another?
Is this not self-absorbed?

When you are in your center you will be selflessly self-absorbed!
In this world when you are the center there is no better way to see who you are than bouncing off others, to see all that you are. Seemingly giving your presence worth, others give you a voice. Your reaction to others leads you to how you want to be, interpret yourself by how you feel in connection to others.

Surround yourself with all that brings you joy.
Gather no struggle.
Gather no strife.

What better guide than what lives in your heart, finding that feeling that lifts you up? Feel your way to that compelling draw which guides you to ‘choice’ and calls you to explore. The love of life with its compulsion to create, puts you at the center of all, you are love to the core. We are all one; therefore we are all in our center.

Fear has no place within the heart and is nonexistent in the soul. Keep your life inspired, feel passion in the call. Know you’re one with all. With passion as your motivation and a feeling heart as your guide, synchronicities will astound you. You’ll draw to you your lessons, adventures to stimulate your path, as you orchestrate your individual journey. Following the scent of Joy’s crisp freshness in the air. You’ll see your own reflection in all others gathered, for God is in each one of them and God also lives in you.



Rapture in the sky, the Aurora slides like a curtain across the sky. An energy of magnetics delivering a vibration of healing upon the earth, creating balance in the harmonies of the atmosphere. Calibrating with astonishing accuracy the energetic address of Gaia; confirming our relationship in the universe. 

Planetary play of light and color, with a heavy splash of delight!  


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mar. 8 - Essence - Don't Question - Love & Light

How fortunate I feel to be with each and every one of you. For together we are the wonder and splendor of existence. Take time to feel the essence of all that we are. Allow yourself to embrace the joy and perfection of all that we are. Within all this magnificence is the now and in the now we are all that can be. Celebrate this magnificent now and expand your consciousness.

We are one.
We are God incarnate.
We are much more then we allow.

See yourself as all that you are and acknowledge yourself as the essence of love.
The essence of life eternal. Rejoice in your individual empowerment and allow yourself to be strong. You are the embodiment of the eternal now.

Do you see your wonder?
Do you see your greatness?

See it and be it and surround yourself with love!


Don’t question what will come tomorrow, don’t worry what will be.
Allow your spirit to expand for you are more than what you see.

Step into a space of love and wonder, allow yourself to be the dream.
Inspired from a knowing sensation, follow your guidance it is what it seems.

This path is not an unconscious journey, it’s not a senseless path.
A life that you’ve created has been laid down just as you’ve asked.

Celebrate the world you created, you can do no wrong this time.
This journey is all your own, belonging in your soul not in your mind.

The essence is all too easy, don’t complicate it with strife.
Relax and enjoy with pleasure, you’re with God and that’s beyond life!


Love & Light

Bless the one who walks the path of love and light today. A new frontier, though gaining exposure still not commonly thought of with great acceptance. Be strong and know the thought of love is all there has to be, creating light with your consistent belief, to the contrary of war and grief. Allow yourself to continue the journey of speaking your wisdom in joy. Allow love and light to surge through your veins and happiness will be your reward. Never judge another's choice but continue with yours, for your wisdom is found deep within. 

You are love and light.
You are all that is.

Together we are all that is and so within you we are all one and as one we are all you. In oneness our essence is love! How easy and fun this life could be if we would all realize this is our truth. 

Truth is oneness.
Truth is love

These thoughts of love can be quite abstract. This guidance can be opaque. For words lack feeling so it’s hard to explain the wonder and truth of existence. But let it be for it is up to you to find your truth. You’re the meaning of love and light. Give yourself all that you would give to another and all will be given to you.   
