Monday, March 5, 2012

Mar. 5 - Spring - Busy

‘I’m excited for spring!’

Blessed be the spring when the sun returns to bring its warmth close to the earth. Spirits will be raised and seeds will start to grow, in your soul as well as in the earth. Rejoice and give thanks for the cycles of nature, always stimulating growth with love. Believe me when I say earth’s energies are in balance and as she cares for herself she provides for her children. Mother Earth is our keeper and as any mother, she loves us no matter what we do. As humanity awakens and starts to give back, alignment will increase and our separation from source will decrease.

The winter has its sacred pace granting stillness in the earth. A time for pause and restful introspection, pulling inwards towards itself. Both earth and humanity need this time to heal and fill our energy stores. But once absorbed into the earth and once you’ve spent time with you the sun returns and enlivens your dreams and wakes your spirit up! It’s time to broaden your smile, feel the sun upon your skin. The melting of the icy surface washes clean its canvas, something new can now begin.

Embrace all the seasons for change is good! It keeps you redefining your awareness. No apathetic sameness can be found upon this earth. Where climates appear consistent there is still variations of seasons confirming the earth is alive. As it is with you, though some long for stillness in such an environment there can be but stilted growth. The seasons of earth they bring a gift, a renewing of our intentions to strive. Whether winter, spring, summer or autumn, whether tropical or tundra count on the cyclic variations of Mother Earth to remind you we are all one growing together on a growing planet.


Your life can be so busy, you can do and do and do.
Until you find so much time goes by, you forget why it is you do.

It’s a linear world in time and space, can you hear the ticking of the clock?
For humankind it means one thing, your journey may come to a stop.

When your day is filled with busy doing, it’s easy to miss the plot.
We are on this earth to enjoy our lives and relish what we got.

Slow right down, stop moving so fast, this life is not a race.
You’ll cheat yourself out of too much fun when you can’t keep up the pace.

Look for the happy joy filled days to inspire your spiritual growth.
You’ll find the rest is taken care of by a higher divine host.

Trust the path you choose, slow down and live each day.
The clock will stop a tickin’ when you take some time to play! 


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