Monday, March 5, 2012

Mar. 3 - Space - Journey - Spinning

Come into this quite place and feel yourself expand. No vibrations coming towards you, just the open expanse of space. From a tiny spark within your being grows through the layers of your body, out beyond the time and space we know. Your spirit is as large as forever and when vibrating with love expands to embrace ‘all that is’ finding the oneness of all that we are.
In this space God will inspire.
In this space love does abound.
Meaning is found in wonder and understandings truly expound. This is a space of learning and of feeling what is true. Allow yourself to find this space, a place with the all that is you.


Embrace the journey to self discovery

Moving forward can’t be helped no matter what you do.
You’re growing more and more each day, sometimes without a clue.

So you might as well aim for all you are, there should be no other way.
You’ll be encouraged by your higher self who just wants you to play.

Relax enjoy and feel the love, this earth is our playground.
Your expanding soul is guaranteed self awareness will resound.

As your love for self grows ever stronger, it spills out to all the world.
You will see in your face an angel’s grace, and your wings will be unfurled.


Do you remember being very young? Do you remember one silly day,
spinning round and round again, it was just a way to play?

Spinning is a spiral dance of freedom in our souls.
I think we should all spin again and remember what spinning holds.

Spin some in your office chair.
Spin all alone, spin anywhere.

You can slowly sneak a spin in when you’re walking in the park,
while checking out the flowers or noticing a lark.

No one will know you’re freedom spinning, you’re just looking all around.
But you will feel it deep inside, the freedom you have found.

While walking down a path that’s straight don’t miss a single stride.
But take a spin within a step, don’t feel you have to hide!

There is freedom in this spinning dance, it’s a feeling we should all know.
So, have spinning celebrations and with that your soul will grow.


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