Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mar. 8 - Essence - Don't Question - Love & Light

How fortunate I feel to be with each and every one of you. For together we are the wonder and splendor of existence. Take time to feel the essence of all that we are. Allow yourself to embrace the joy and perfection of all that we are. Within all this magnificence is the now and in the now we are all that can be. Celebrate this magnificent now and expand your consciousness.

We are one.
We are God incarnate.
We are much more then we allow.

See yourself as all that you are and acknowledge yourself as the essence of love.
The essence of life eternal. Rejoice in your individual empowerment and allow yourself to be strong. You are the embodiment of the eternal now.

Do you see your wonder?
Do you see your greatness?

See it and be it and surround yourself with love!


Don’t question what will come tomorrow, don’t worry what will be.
Allow your spirit to expand for you are more than what you see.

Step into a space of love and wonder, allow yourself to be the dream.
Inspired from a knowing sensation, follow your guidance it is what it seems.

This path is not an unconscious journey, it’s not a senseless path.
A life that you’ve created has been laid down just as you’ve asked.

Celebrate the world you created, you can do no wrong this time.
This journey is all your own, belonging in your soul not in your mind.

The essence is all too easy, don’t complicate it with strife.
Relax and enjoy with pleasure, you’re with God and that’s beyond life!


Love & Light

Bless the one who walks the path of love and light today. A new frontier, though gaining exposure still not commonly thought of with great acceptance. Be strong and know the thought of love is all there has to be, creating light with your consistent belief, to the contrary of war and grief. Allow yourself to continue the journey of speaking your wisdom in joy. Allow love and light to surge through your veins and happiness will be your reward. Never judge another's choice but continue with yours, for your wisdom is found deep within. 

You are love and light.
You are all that is.

Together we are all that is and so within you we are all one and as one we are all you. In oneness our essence is love! How easy and fun this life could be if we would all realize this is our truth. 

Truth is oneness.
Truth is love

These thoughts of love can be quite abstract. This guidance can be opaque. For words lack feeling so it’s hard to explain the wonder and truth of existence. But let it be for it is up to you to find your truth. You’re the meaning of love and light. Give yourself all that you would give to another and all will be given to you.   


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