Sunday, February 19, 2012

Feb.18 - Bliss - People - Happy Ending


Bliss is nothing that can be taught. It’s all about following your bliss – but to find enough freedom to create the bliss is not so simple in our pre-programmed world, filled with societal expectations.
Bliss is something created by the individual. It is a big hole of allowing after finding something you truly love and feel passion for – your calling!
Opening from a pin hole in your soul to a gigantic universal expanse.
Bliss can’t be taught.
It is felt!


‘People are so cool and so different’

As diverse inside as out with such an array of expressing themselves. From a magic spark the size of nothing. From the tiniest dot unable to be seen by the human eye, a light beams in all directions into a bigger space than imaginable in human consciousness. Yet the human form, the shell contains a beating heart and processing brain and a zillion tiny sparks.
Within these sparks divinity lies, the definer of humanity. We are the light pretending to be contained within a shell. Expressing in a variety of ways, some aware, some not knowing the grandeur of their being.
How do you want to be today? Who do you want to be?
So many ways to disclose yourself. Show your self as you truly are or make up some dramatic pretense? The adventure’s all yours, the choice is free. Stand up and grab that star, feel your higher self, remember who you are. It’s you that is the master! Don’t relinquish to outside powers allowing your magnificence to bounce off happenstance becoming like a cow in the pasture. A noble beast but without divinity’s spark and lacking the choice we have been granted.
Be excited in your power. Be exotic in your expression. Don’t sell it short, you are a wonder to behold.
Life is a miracle and you are a vessel filled with God’s true gold – love

In this, despite our extensive, often dramatic differences in expressions, we find that we are one.


Happily ever after, no longer just in story books. Claim yours today!

It’s your story, fill it with joy, appreciation and compassion.

Love will be your Prince Charming
Peace will be your Fairy Princess
Abundance will be your Castle
Rapture will be your ‘Happy Ending’!


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